9 Nov 6:30pm – 10 Nov 12:00pm 2018 EST
Summit Church Cherrydale, 1301 Rutherford Rd, Greenville, SC 29609 Map
We are excited to announce that we’ll be hosting a conference at Summit Cherrydale this Fall entitled, “The Gospel and Race.” Perhaps excited isn’t the right word. We desire to thoroughly address the topic of race, specifically as it intersects with biblical justice, from a grounded, gospel-centered perspective. With this conference, we are seeking to do just that. This conference is the overflow of several years of listening, reading, and praying from our leadership team. Our Pastors and Elders have been on a journey of growth and learning, and we’re excited to invite you into it with us. We truly believe there are few topics of greater significance in our cultural moment than those surrounding racial justice, and we firmly believe there is no greater power to address these issues than the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel provides the best framework for understanding the complexities of injustice and the greatest hope to address them with sustainable solutions. And that’s exactly what our world needs. Would you please make plans to join us as we dive into an immersive weekend experience, listening to God through his Word and asking him to ignite our hearts with a passion for biblical justice and to mobilize our feet to live justly in the everydayness of life. We look forward to seeing you there!